Do you have teenage children? I do. They are online talking with their friends every night after they get their homework done until the wee hours. I talk on MSN alot as well but as all my friends would know, I fully write out my sentences as if I was writing a paper or something to be read by everyone. My daughter knows short forms for sayings that even I have to ask her the meaning. Like LOL(laugh out loud), or ROFL(roll on floor laughing). Here you try one. What is this? LMFAO. That is for those teens who may have an adult looking over their shoulder who may not approve of bad language. The point of the matter is, with all this new way of chatting, the younger generation is losing touch with the real english language and the proper use of it.
IF we are to groom our children to be the next leaders of this world, how can we rightfully let them go on speaking and writing this way?
I was browsing through some sites and came across this one which I thought was a good read. You should read it and decide for yourself.
'Yo, can u plz help me write English?'
By Steve Friess, special for USA TODAY
Carl Sharp knew there was a problem when he spotted his 15-year-old son's summer job application: "i want 2 b a counselor because i love 2 work with kids."
Margie Johnson of St. Charles, Ill., says she tries to help her granddaughter Bailey Cross with her writing.
By Anne Ryan, USA TODAY
That night, the father in Phoenix removed the AOL Instant Messenger program from the family computer and informed both his children they were no longer to chat with friends online.
"That shorthand comes from talking on the Internet, and it's unacceptable," Sharp says. "I never thought I'd be encouraging my kids to talk on the telephone, but I realized that the constant chatting on the Internet was destroying their ability to write properly."
to finish reading the rest of the article then click here: read more
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IF we are to groom our children to be the next leaders of this world, how can we rightfully let them go on speaking and writing this way?
I was browsing through some sites and came across this one which I thought was a good read. You should read it and decide for yourself.
'Yo, can u plz help me write English?'
By Steve Friess, special for USA TODAY
Carl Sharp knew there was a problem when he spotted his 15-year-old son's summer job application: "i want 2 b a counselor because i love 2 work with kids."
Margie Johnson of St. Charles, Ill., says she tries to help her granddaughter Bailey Cross with her writing.
By Anne Ryan, USA TODAY
That night, the father in Phoenix removed the AOL Instant Messenger program from the family computer and informed both his children they were no longer to chat with friends online.
"That shorthand comes from talking on the Internet, and it's unacceptable," Sharp says. "I never thought I'd be encouraging my kids to talk on the telephone, but I realized that the constant chatting on the Internet was destroying their ability to write properly."
to finish reading the rest of the article then click here: read more
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