Location: Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

Melanie Bremner is presently running and maintaining an online Family EBook Sales shop, and produces a weekly newsletter full of stories, facts and fun for the whole family. Sign up for her newsletter and receive a monthly bonus.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It is getting so cold out these days. The sky is a stark steely grey at 3:30 in the afternoon. The last few leaves trying to cling desperately to the branches as the wind whips through them. Everyone climbing into their attics or burrowing under the cubbie behind the stairs for the snow suits and boots. Kids starting to sniffle, whine, and wipe their runny noses on their sleeves.Time to pull out those rubber matts and have the mop in front of the door.
Find those slippers! Get out that extra blanket for the couch.
I was thinking of a winter story for the holiday season. A few years back I had written a really cute Santa story all in rhyme. I tore apart all of my closets today looking for all my writing material. Nothing. The only thing I can think of was it must have gotten burned in the fire we had back a couple years ago. I hate when that happens. Have you ever written anything and lost it? I had a 120 page romance story some years back that had taken me over a year and a half to write. I loaned it to a friend of mine to review and she lost it!!!! Always have a back up on disk, a back up in written form, and a copy you mail to yourself and then store unopened in a closet. I also save a copy in one of my folders on my email program.
I was surfing around as I normally do and I came across yet another cool site for writers. There is a free editorial section there that may help you find an editor if you are looking for one. It also has somewhere you can submit your article or manuscript to have it critiqued before sending it to a publisher. I am sure you will find alot of resources available to you if you go check it out at

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