Location: Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

Melanie Bremner is presently running and maintaining an online Family EBook Sales shop, and produces a weekly newsletter full of stories, facts and fun for the whole family. Sign up for her newsletter and receive a monthly bonus.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Can you name three things you like about yourself and three things you would like to change? I remember that being one of my assignments in my psych class. It took me a week to answer that. Pathetic, I know.
It is well known that the best writers are often known for being emotional people.It is part of what makes them so successful. The ability to express your emotions, then be able to write how you feel in reference to any subject is part of the innate abilities that lie dormant within us.
I am a strong believer that we all have the ability to be talented, expressive artists so long as we can draw on the passion within us.
Putting sentences together(all grammar combined)is the boring part of writing. If you have a vision, can pen down some emotions or thoughts that move you; then you can always find an editor. My mother was mine as I grew up. Now I have become my daughters, much to her chagrin. Sometimes being known too much for our "talent" can be the death of our writing abilities. We can lose track of the reason we started to write in the first place. That our desire was to bring our readers into our world through our eyes. Whether it be through impassioned writing about our experiences, events, or any other interests we may have.
The following poem I wrote last year as part of my personal therapy when I broke up with my ex boyfriend of five years.

The Truth

As I stood in my room feeling completely alone,
I wondered what happened to the world I had known.
The truth in your eyes has burned right through me,
Gone are the lies, my soul's been set free.

But the truths I have learned along this precarious way
Have left me gasping and weeping, rueing the day
That day that I met you and all things were fine
I didn't see the thorns on the rose that was mine.

Now I can see with my journey all done
The truth I have learned will not make me run
A strength I have gained, and a courage my own
Will allow me to face this new world I've been shown.

by Melanie Bremner Doran © copyright 2004

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