Location: Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

Melanie Bremner is presently running and maintaining an online Family EBook Sales shop, and produces a weekly newsletter full of stories, facts and fun for the whole family. Sign up for her newsletter and receive a monthly bonus.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Well, you know your idea is good for your next book. But you still have concerns about the best way to put the sentences and paragraphs together to draw the reader in.
I have started reading quite a lot of books in my time that I am sure are good story lines, but I just couldn't get past the authors style of writing. I am sure you can relate. So, how do we go about making sure we can write the stuff that keeps the readers attention and gets them wanting to turn the next page?
If you are concerned with setting up proper paragraph form and eyecatching sentence structure you should check out the following site for

I thought I would share a poem with you that I wrote when I had finished school and found out that society had a different agenda than I did.

The New Age of Despair

I remember when I was young and free.
I used to dream of all I could be.

I thought it would be fun to teach
Of all the students I could reach.

And then I thought I’d be a nurse
But hating blood was to be my curse.

Then I thought I could be a shrink.
Helping people to feel and think.

All these things took much time and care,
And lots more money than I could spare.

And so I took a computer course
Paid for by a government source.

Now I’m looking for a job.
Now I’m just an unemployed slob.

I have training, but not the skill
No experience, just the Will

The will to succeed isn’t enough.
You need the chance to show your stuff.

So I wait, day in and day out
For someone who’ll come and give me a shout.

To let me have the chance I need.
So I can prove that I’ll succeed.

Melanie Bremner Doran

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