Location: Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

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Monday, October 24, 2005

It's funny sometimes how the mind of the writer works. I have several other blogs on this site that I post to on a regular basis with no problems at all. The reason is because I get articles come across my desk and then I pick one out for the day that appeals to me, I research, sometimes test it out and then post it along with my own opinion or experience. In this way, I allow myself to be a writer as well as a publisher.
All writers have writers block at one time or another. We all tend to have our own way of dealing with it as well. There was a point in my life where I was so wrapped up in misery that my writers block lasted over two years. I was so disassociated with myself that I couldn't think or act properly. It was a perpetual circle really. I was miserable because I couldn't write, but I couldn't write because I was so miserable. Stop the insanity! Let me off!
It wasn't until a chance meeting with a wanna be writer in a bar one day that I realized that I was the solution to my own dilemma. I needed a change of perspective. By now though I had gotten so out of practice of writing I still didn't know where to start. I reviewed all my old stories, in their various stages of completion to see if I could get the creative juices flowing. No luck. Then I came across this site that seemed like it was made just for me.
If you are stuck for ideas to write, maybe you should go and check out this site. It is quite fun actually. You just click on a number and it gives you an idea to work with. Before long you will find that your creativity has a life and mind of its own again and your own ideas will once again flow.

I would like to share another poem I wrote on life and society.

I look outside my window
As far as I can see
The children are all playing
With each happily.

There is no black and white
No rich against the poor
No anger, and no hatred
As I have seen before.

I wonder if there’s hope for us
To go against the odds
To live in perfect harmony
In one we all our God’s

But only time itself will tell
If men can overcome
To find in them the pure of heart
Loving all, and not just some.

Melanie K Bremner Doran

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