I've been working on a new story to publish and have found time slipping away on me. In one way that is a good thing because it means my plot is enfolding and becoming more of what I want it to be, on the other hand though, it means I am having less time to do any other form of writing like my blog sites. I have posted a few more of my children's stories on my site now if anyone is interested in checking it out.
The following article was written with article submissions in mind but I thought it had some useful insights into writing in general for whatever you may choose.
Article Writing: How To Use Your Chakra Energy To Write
Copyright 2005 Ron Passfield
The seven Chakras are the hidden energy centres in your
body through which you receive, process and transmit life
energies. They act as "energy transformers" and influencers
of change.
Your thoughts, emotions or actions can either block or
activate these hidden energy centres. In this article, I
address ways to activate each of the Chakras to improve
your article writing.
1. Base Chakra – the energy of existence
This energy source is associated with survival,
self-preservation and security. The major blockages to
activating the Base Chakra are "self-sabotage" or self-talk
that is full of self-doubt. The real tragedy is that,
unless you can manage these self-doubts, you cut yourself
off from the other six sources of energy.
You can activate the Base Chakra by: * Confronting your
doubts as self-sabotage and challenging them * Visualising
your completed article and the sense of achievement you
will experience with publication * Sharing your concerns
with others who have been successful in article writing *
Listening to your body and learning to release any tensions
associated with article writing
2. Naval Chakra – the energy of activity
This source of energy is experienced as "excitement" and is
associated with doing, movement, creativity and
achievement. The major blockage to this energy source is
inactivity brought on by procrastination and self-doubt.
You can activate the Naval Chakra by: * Checking out online
forums and article directories for potential topics of
interest to readers * Making notes on an article topic *
Aiming for a rough first draft (do not let your
perfectionist streak intervene!) * Trying "speed writing" -
write what comes to mind without concern for grammar,
sentence structure or spelling (helps to thwart
perfectionism) * Taping your ideas - try using an audio
tape to get ideas down
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – the energy of control
This energy is experienced as “clarity” and is associated
with your sense of personal power and self control. The
major blockage to this energy source is a lack of order
through the absence of planning. You can tap into the
energy of control by creating order, structure, form or
You can activate the Solar Plexus Chakra by: * Capturing
potential article topics in a document or Excel file *
Matching your task to your energy level – if you are a
“morning person” do your creative writing in the morning
and your related routine tasks at night * Capturing ideas
on how to write articles and creating your own set of
guidelines * Setting up documents on your computer with
article headings and doing occasional “brain dumps” *
Building your own list of preferred article directories for
submission of articles (include submission URL and key
requirements, eg. word length, format) * Establishing
output targets and a routine for article writing
4. The Heart Chakra – the energy of community
This energy is experienced as “connection” - brought about
by your relationships with others and by engaging them in
collaborative activity. The major blockage to this energy
source is “isolation” – cutting yourself off from
supportive relationships.
You can engage the Heart Chakra by: * Participating in
discussion forums focused on article writing * Developing a
“learning partnership” with one other person for your
mutual benefit * Connecting to other people through
workshops and teleconferences * Sharing your article ideas
with a “significant other” – your life partner, for example
* Taking time out to be with your friends * Joining an
action learning group devoted to article writing
5. The Throat Chakra – the energy of meaning
This energy is experienced as expression and is associated
with metaphors, communication and beliefs. The blocks to
this form of energy are unclear thinking and a lack of
You can engage your Throat Chakra by: * Journaling to
capture your thoughts and reflections * Drawing diagrams
and flowcharts to clarify what you are trying to say in
your writing * Developing concept maps to clarify the
relationships amongst activities, ideas & principles *
Using metaphors to create new perspectives and meanings
6. The Third Eye Chakra – the energy of integration
This energy is experienced as intuition and is associated
with left and right brain, integration of male and female,
wisdom and holistic approaches. One of the major blocks to
this form of energy is “busyness” – incessant activity with
no time for reflection.
You can engage your Third Eye Chakra by: * Undertaking
creative activity – e.g. painting, drawing or writing
poetry * Being still – getting in touch with nature and
your own body * Taking a walk – physical activity provides
a good balance for sitting and writing * Clearing the
clutter from your desk and your life – a cluttered
workspace can clutter your mind
7. The Crown Chakra – the energy of Spirit
This energy is experienced as transcendence and is
associated with higher purpose, vision and higher
consciousness. The major block to this energy is an
obsession with Materialism.
You can embrace the Crown Chakra by: * Meditating – this
helps you get in touch with your higher consciousness *
Singing – helps you to find your deeper self * Revisiting
your spiritual origins – this may be through prayer or
participation in religious activities
The Chakras are interconnected and interdependent. They
embrace the whole person – the irrational and rational, the
intuitive and emotional, the pragmatic and the aesthetic
and the material and spiritual.
You can activate your Chakras to improve your article
writing and your daily living.
This article is written by Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate
marketing coach, who is developing his affiliate business
through the step-by-step coaching offered by the Affiliate
Subscribe to Ron’s weekly “Emarkting Strategies” ezine and
receive a bonus gift:

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The following article was written with article submissions in mind but I thought it had some useful insights into writing in general for whatever you may choose.
Article Writing: How To Use Your Chakra Energy To Write
Copyright 2005 Ron Passfield
The seven Chakras are the hidden energy centres in your
body through which you receive, process and transmit life
energies. They act as "energy transformers" and influencers
of change.
Your thoughts, emotions or actions can either block or
activate these hidden energy centres. In this article, I
address ways to activate each of the Chakras to improve
your article writing.
1. Base Chakra – the energy of existence
This energy source is associated with survival,
self-preservation and security. The major blockages to
activating the Base Chakra are "self-sabotage" or self-talk
that is full of self-doubt. The real tragedy is that,
unless you can manage these self-doubts, you cut yourself
off from the other six sources of energy.
You can activate the Base Chakra by: * Confronting your
doubts as self-sabotage and challenging them * Visualising
your completed article and the sense of achievement you
will experience with publication * Sharing your concerns
with others who have been successful in article writing *
Listening to your body and learning to release any tensions
associated with article writing
2. Naval Chakra – the energy of activity
This source of energy is experienced as "excitement" and is
associated with doing, movement, creativity and
achievement. The major blockage to this energy source is
inactivity brought on by procrastination and self-doubt.
You can activate the Naval Chakra by: * Checking out online
forums and article directories for potential topics of
interest to readers * Making notes on an article topic *
Aiming for a rough first draft (do not let your
perfectionist streak intervene!) * Trying "speed writing" -
write what comes to mind without concern for grammar,
sentence structure or spelling (helps to thwart
perfectionism) * Taping your ideas - try using an audio
tape to get ideas down
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – the energy of control
This energy is experienced as “clarity” and is associated
with your sense of personal power and self control. The
major blockage to this energy source is a lack of order
through the absence of planning. You can tap into the
energy of control by creating order, structure, form or
You can activate the Solar Plexus Chakra by: * Capturing
potential article topics in a document or Excel file *
Matching your task to your energy level – if you are a
“morning person” do your creative writing in the morning
and your related routine tasks at night * Capturing ideas
on how to write articles and creating your own set of
guidelines * Setting up documents on your computer with
article headings and doing occasional “brain dumps” *
Building your own list of preferred article directories for
submission of articles (include submission URL and key
requirements, eg. word length, format) * Establishing
output targets and a routine for article writing
4. The Heart Chakra – the energy of community
This energy is experienced as “connection” - brought about
by your relationships with others and by engaging them in
collaborative activity. The major blockage to this energy
source is “isolation” – cutting yourself off from
supportive relationships.
You can engage the Heart Chakra by: * Participating in
discussion forums focused on article writing * Developing a
“learning partnership” with one other person for your
mutual benefit * Connecting to other people through
workshops and teleconferences * Sharing your article ideas
with a “significant other” – your life partner, for example
* Taking time out to be with your friends * Joining an
action learning group devoted to article writing
5. The Throat Chakra – the energy of meaning
This energy is experienced as expression and is associated
with metaphors, communication and beliefs. The blocks to
this form of energy are unclear thinking and a lack of
You can engage your Throat Chakra by: * Journaling to
capture your thoughts and reflections * Drawing diagrams
and flowcharts to clarify what you are trying to say in
your writing * Developing concept maps to clarify the
relationships amongst activities, ideas & principles *
Using metaphors to create new perspectives and meanings
6. The Third Eye Chakra – the energy of integration
This energy is experienced as intuition and is associated
with left and right brain, integration of male and female,
wisdom and holistic approaches. One of the major blocks to
this form of energy is “busyness” – incessant activity with
no time for reflection.
You can engage your Third Eye Chakra by: * Undertaking
creative activity – e.g. painting, drawing or writing
poetry * Being still – getting in touch with nature and
your own body * Taking a walk – physical activity provides
a good balance for sitting and writing * Clearing the
clutter from your desk and your life – a cluttered
workspace can clutter your mind
7. The Crown Chakra – the energy of Spirit
This energy is experienced as transcendence and is
associated with higher purpose, vision and higher
consciousness. The major block to this energy is an
obsession with Materialism.
You can embrace the Crown Chakra by: * Meditating – this
helps you get in touch with your higher consciousness *
Singing – helps you to find your deeper self * Revisiting
your spiritual origins – this may be through prayer or
participation in religious activities
The Chakras are interconnected and interdependent. They
embrace the whole person – the irrational and rational, the
intuitive and emotional, the pragmatic and the aesthetic
and the material and spiritual.
You can activate your Chakras to improve your article
writing and your daily living.
This article is written by Ron Passfield, PhD, affiliate
marketing coach, who is developing his affiliate business
through the step-by-step coaching offered by the Affiliate
Subscribe to Ron’s weekly “Emarkting Strategies” ezine and
receive a bonus gift:

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Knock Their Socks Off! A Freelance Writer's Guide to Query Letters That Sell
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